What is a whole home water filtration system?
Whole home water filtration is exactly what it sounds like. All the water coming into your home or business from your local water utility or well is filtered and made clean for drinking, cooking, washing, and bathing. Whole home filtration systems are an economical way to safeguard all your water.
Let’s go over the components of these water filtration system.
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Stage 1: Sediment Pre-Filter
Removes: Sediments like sand, silt, clay, and metals
The first stage of whole home water filtration is a sediment pre-filter. This pre-filter traps sediments like sand, silt, clay, and metals
You may have heard the term water turbidity. Turbidity is simply contaminants suspended in water, making it cloudy or less clear. Sediment is a big part of what makes turbid water. Sediment is simply contaminants like sand, silt, clay, and rust. This filter removes sediment down to 20 microns.
Stage 2: Carbon Block Pre-Filter
Removes: sediment, chlorine, pollutants, and smells
The second stage is a carbon block pre-filter that removes chemicals, pollutants, and smells. Carbon block filters are finely powdered carbon granules compressed into a solid block that traps chemicals like chlorine and improves the taste and smell of water throughout your home.
If you have ever had a problem with smelly water in your home, carbon filtration takes care of it.
Carbon filtration removes many contaminants from your drinking water.
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceuticals
- Herbicides
- Chlorine
- Chlorine byproducts (VOCs)
- Chloride
- Lithium
- Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid or PFOS
- Phosphate
Stage 3: Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilization
Kills Bacteria
Finally, there’s the real hero of the whole system.
Water pre-filtered by the first two sediment and carbon stages passes through a stainless steel high output ultraviolet lamp chamber, sterilizing it.
Killing bacteria coming into your home safeguards all the water you use. Not only do you have sterilized water for drinking and cooking, but the water you bathe and wash in is also truly clean and smell-free.
Visit our online shop to order your own whole home/light commercial water filtration system today or contact us for a free consultation.
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